
Avalon Holographics Inc. has developed and fielded one of the first known, proof-of-concept, colour, three dimensional Light Field Displays (3D LFD) while currently working towards a fully interactive commercial version. As part of this development process, Avalon is investigating the potential benefits of using holographic displays to improve cognitive performance within operational defence, space, medical and industrial domains.

Would you like to be among the first people to view our 3D LFD? Could you put our display to the test? This study will compare cognitive performance for tasks performed using both a 2D display and a 3D holographic LFD. It will require the execution of four cognitive tasks that are relevant to an operational military (naval) environment: 1) detection; 2) identification; 3) judgement of relative position; 4) navigation.  

Here are the details:

Who: Recruiting gamers who typically play games more than 6 hours per week (games such as Action, Adventure, Indy, Multiplayer, Racing, Simulation, Sports, Strategy, Role-Playing (not Candy Crush, Solitaire, etc.) and any other volunteers who fit the participation criteria below.

What: Participate in a 2.5 hour experimental session in which you will be asked to complete four cognitive tasks, including detection, identification, judgement, and navigation.

When: October 2, 2020 – October 9, 2020

Where: Avalon Holographics Headquarters (The Tower Corporate Campus, College House, 240 Waterford Bridge Road, St. John’s Newfoundland A1E 1E2)

How: You will complete the experimental tasks using both a 2D display and a 3D holographic LFD. Performance measures, such as reaction time and response accuracy, will be collected during the trials. After completing each task, you will complete subjective questionnaires regarding your task experience, workload and fatigue.

Now that we’ve got you excited, you need to know the participation criteria!

Participants must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 18 years old;

  • Able to read and write in English;

  • Normal (i.e., no colour blindness) or corrected-to-normal eyesight (i.e., prescription eye glasses);

  • Able to view a computer screen for approximately three hours, with breaks; and,

  • Able to sit or stand for approximately three hours, with breaks.


If you are interested in participating in this study or would like further information, please contact C3 Human Factors Consulting at LFDstudy@gmail.com

If you know anyone who may be interested in participating in this study, please share this information.  

Miriam McCarthy